Products starting with: P

Pacific Historical Review
PAJ : A Journal of Performance and Art

PAJ explores innovative work in theatre, performance art, dance, video, writing, technology, sound, ..

₱ 18,500
PAJ : A Journal of Performance and Art
Parabola - The Magazine of Myth and Tradition
Parameters: Journal of the US Army War College

Explore the forefront of strategic thought and military theory with Parameters: Journal of the US Ar..

₱ 9,030
Parent and Child


₱ 3,470
Parents magazine (US)

American's leading family magazine for parents offering proven tips, sure-fire techniques and straig..

₱ 6,400
Passport Magazine


₱ 6,730
PE Review (UK)

This review explores the literature relating to the field of PE. Its purpose is to identify factors ..

₱ 9,630
PE-The magazine for professional engineers (Engineering Times)

PE magazine is the flagship publication of the National Society of Professional Engineers. Published..

₱ 22,350
Pediatric Dentistry


₱ 21,430
Pediatric Exercise Science

Providing the latest research to the pediatric exercise field for over 20 years• The only journal de..

₱ 28,030
Pediatric Nursing

For more than 30 years, Pediatric Nursing has provided the pediatric nursing arena with current info..

₱ 13,060

The flagship journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the world’s leading pediatrics reso..

₱ 16,900
Showing 1 to 15 of 101 (7 Pages)