Journal of Infrastructure Systems
- - Product Code: 4 issues per year
- - Availability: In Stock

The Journal of Infrastructure Systems publishes cross-disciplinary papers about methodologies for monitoring, evaluating, expanding, repairing, replacing, financing, or otherwise sustaining the civil infrastructure.
The infrastructure supporting human activities includes complex and interrelated physical, social, ecological, economic, and technological systems such as transportation, energy production and distribution; water resources management; waste management; facilities supporting urban and rural communities; communications; sustainable resources development; and environmental protection. Increasingly, inter- and multidisciplinary expertise is needed not only to design and build these systems, but to manage and sustain them as well. Typical management problems are fraught with uncertain information, multiple and conflicting objectives, and sometimes numerous and conflicting constituencies. Solutions are both complex and cross-disciplinary in nature and require the thoughtful integration of sound engineering judgment, economic flexibility, and institutional forbearance. Papers considered for publication must contain a clear and well-defined engineering component and make a contribution to the art and science related to infrastructure systems.