The American Journal of Criminal Law strives to promote and encourage improvement in the administrat..
Archives of Asian Art is an annual journal devoted to the arts of South, Southeast, Central, and Eas..

Asian Philosophy is an international journal concerned with such philosophical traditions as I..

The only academic journal of its kind produced in the United States, Asian Survey provides a compreh..
Asian Theater Journal is dedicated to the performing arts of Asia, focusing upon both traditional an..
Black Music Research Journal includes articles about the philosophy, aesthetics, history, and critic..
College Composition and Communication publishes research and scholarship in rhetoric and composition..
The Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) is an American magazine for professional journalists published ..
Communication Arts is read by graphic designers, creative directors, art directors, multi-media prof..

Federal Sentencing Reporter explores in detail the complex sector of sentencing law, practice and th..
Law and Order is a USA magazine covering Law Enforcement.Law and Order Magazine provides information..
Focused on examinations of crime and punishment in domestic, transnational, and international contex..